How Not to Drift Away

I’m up to the book of Hebrews in my 2009 Bible reading.  They are really pouring it on how…I had to read Chapters 1-6 this morning, and for once I had the good sense to make sure I got up early enough to get thru it.  I’ve also noticed that as I get into the “meatier” books it takes longer.

GREAT stuff in Hebrews.  I’m being smacked upside the head by the Holy Spirit left and right.  It’s great.  🙂 (It also was convicting, dividing and discerning me and making me feel naked…see Heb 4:12-13…)

This is a tough letter.  Whoever wrote this one, is not messing around with words, they want their people to remember who they are and be steadfast…hold fast…stay true…as Cross Movement says “Hold it Down.”

Hebrews 2: says simply:

Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.

Judging by the release of the 2009 Barna Group Review we seem to have a problem in knowing why we believe what we do, and staying there.

In reviewing the themes, they relate to each other…specifically we don’t know what we believe and we aren’t mature because we don’t know the WORD. (Again, see Heb 5:11-14…those who should be teachers by now, are still needing to be taught!)

I cannot encourage you strongly enough to read the Word – ALL of it. The whole Bible. Start 2010 off with a real resolution – to get spiritually healthy, to buck the trends…and to do that read the Word.

I use a Chronological Bible Reading Plan like this one here. I did it in 2009, and I intend to do it in 2010 as well. I’m trying to get as many as possible from my church to do so…because as the study indicates…we need work knowing the Word!

So, how to not drift away? As Hebrews 2:1 says – “pay closer attention to what we’ve heard.”

…And where might we have heard this?

…and this isn’t a suggestion either…we are commanded to be mature.

Heb 6:1

Therefore(A) let us leave(B) the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity

One thought on “How Not to Drift Away

  1. All right Mike. That makes you an accountability partner if you are willing, I would like to join you. I have tried these bible in a year things and have never been successful, let this be the year! That is unless we are called home within the year! Let it be so!
    Thanks for this post and the kick in the pants that is sometimes needed to move forward. As James sayes in the first chapter of his epistle ”that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”. Let us march brother.

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